Hand Quilted Mug Mats

  • Hand quilted coasters

    I had some leftover scrap blocks from my Picnic quilt that I randomly sewed together to make mug mats.

  • earth tone min quilts

    The only hand sewing I do is for quilt binding so it was fun sewing these small items. Unfinished size is 5 1/2” x 5 1/2”.

  • spool of thread with mini quilts

    I finished them with a tiny traditional binding. The clips hold everything in place until it’s tacked down.

  • Finished earth tone mini quilt

    Close up of finished mug mats.

  • back of mini quilt

    I used a natural muslin for the backing.

  • hand quilted mug mats

    Hand Quilted Mug Mats

    April 2024

    5 1/2” x 5 1/2”


My Quilt History


Gift Bag